
Caffeine can have positive and negative effects on the body. Like anything else, consumed in excess it can lead to many complications and unpleasant side effects… However it CAN have positive effects when consumed in moderation :

As you can see in this diagram, moderate use of caffeine can increase attention and memory performance. It can increase intraocular pressure and also decrease the risk of heart disease. Some other benefits are : Increased physical performance, Increased muscular recovery and a decreased risk of liver disease.

It is a drug that is naturally derived from leaves, seeds and beans that come from many different plants.  Caffeine is in a lot of things such as chocolate, coffee, tea and energy drinks.

Due to the fact that caffeine increases nerve firing in the brain, it causes the body to shift into flight or fight symptoms
With this:
•There is an adrenaline rush
•The pupils dilate
•Blood flow to the stomach slows down
•Muscles tighten up
•The liver releases sugar into the bloodstream for extra energy
•This is why after consuming a big cup of coffee, your hands begin to get cold, muscles tense up, heart beat increases and you feel excited.
•Breathing rate increases
Coffee actually has an affect directly on the mind, where studies show that it seems to help short term memory and reaction times. The effect on the mind actually helps workers because it seems to be that coffee stimulates greater activity in the prefrontal lobe, known as the anterior cingulate and the anterior cingulate gyrus. This is very beneficial to the shift workers because these parts of the mind are what control the executive memory’, attention, concentration, planning and monitoring.
When coffee is taken in appropriate doses it alleviates our mood, makes us more alert, reduces fatigue and contributes to weight loss which helps us to handle our daily tasks.
Negative effects include:
•a low to moderate intake is 130 mg-300 mg per day
•a moderate is 200 mg-300 mg per day
•high doses are above 400 mg per day
•heavy caffeine consumption is more than 6,000 mg/day.
•Mild symptoms- trembles, bodily twitches, shaky hands
•Moderate symptoms- hyperventilate, delirious, body temperature rises, elevated heart beat
•Severe Symptoms- body eventually gets used to the amount of caffeine consumed, wanting more and more to produce the same effect, this leads to insomnia and irritability
•Some other side effects of caffeine consumption include depression, decrease of vitamins and minerals in the body.
•Other syndromes associated with caffeine include decreased fertility, damage to the liver and adrenal glands and the liver, indigestion, increased stress levels, and fatigue.
•Caffeine also has many negative side effects to it. Did you know that drinking too much coffee can actually lead you into dehydration? Its true, when the body is exposed to too much caffeine the body excretes more water than it intakes
•Since caffeine provides the body with stress response, as we know too much of this response is unhealthy.

Shift workers:
•Working rotating shifts, the bodies natural circadian clock becomes disrupted resulting in sleeping issues
• In order to counteract sleep and be able to keep alert during work hours, shift workers often rely on caffeine to do the trick.
•During high stress, caffeine can help shift workers to keep alert throughout the night, providing and energy boost.
•Shift workers may begin to abuse caffeine under stress because of the positive effects it provides them with.
•However if the shift worker begins to reply on caffeine too often, it can be addicting.
•Having the stress response from caffeine, workers will eventually hit their exhaustion stage where they are prone to illnesses and lose motivation to do their job effectively.

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