Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Shiftwork… We all dread it. For some people It’s easier then for others. For some It’s a nightmare. One thing you will notice in a Shift work environment is the percentage of people who smoke. There are a lot of causes for this, the most common one is stress, then you have the social aspect ( break time… 3/4 of the employees are going outside to smoke, might as well join em !) Also notice It’s neary impossible to quit smoking in this kind of environment because everyone around you is smoking.

For some, smoking is not enough… Unfortunately there is a lot of drug abuse in places with a lot of employees that promote shift work. People will often abuse Amphetamines to stay awake, a nice example would be abusing unprescribed Ritalin.

We don’t see much alcohol use in populated centers, however in remote locations and in mills/factories, there is still the occasional drunkard. This is really dangerous and stupid. Would you operate heavy machinery drunk ?

Last but not least, we have all our coffee drinkers! A coffee while I get to work, one once I get there and start the day… woah, first break ! need my caffeine! It accumulates very fast. The occasional coffee isn’t that bad for you but abusing it isn’t necessarily a good idea… It could lead to something like this:


10 Questions…!

Posted: June 22, 2011 in Uncategorized

1. What are the negative effects of caffeine on the body?

2. What are the positive effects of caffeine on the body?

3. Name 3 of the ingredients that compose a cigarette?

4. What major disease can occur if you are repeatedly exposed to cigarette smoke?

5. Name 5 different drugs?

6. What is withdrawal?

7. Name 2 long term side effects of repeated alcohol consumption?

8. Name one well known organization that helps alcoholics get rid of their addiction?

9. Prescribed drugs are sometimes abused for recreational use and have a very bad effect on the body, true or false?

10. Abusing substances can have a permanent effect on the human body, true or false?