
Why do shift workers rely on alcohol?

– Because it is an easier way to relax and forget the stressful things that have occurred during the day.

What are the 3 symptoms of an alcoholic?

-drink alone

-drink excessive amounts on a regular basis

-become more violent and aggressive after drinking

Name at least 1 way you can help an alcoholic?

getting them professional help such as rehab, therapy.

How can alcohol abuse have effect on shift workers? What disorders can they get from abusing alcohol?

– They tend to have hang overs and begin to only concentrate about getting a drink and it causes many physical effects. Begin to depend on it for everything.

What are the physiological effects on the body ?

– effected liver

-loss of memory


What are the properties of alcohol?

-carbon, oxygen and hydrogen


Why do shift workers use drugs?

-depending on drug to sleep, relax and feel instant relief

How can you determine if someone is abusing drugs?

– they constantly use it

What prescription drugs are commonly abused by shift workers?


-sleeping pills

-pain killer

Name 3 street drugs?




What are some ways of using, abusing and misusing drugs?

using: appropriately using for the purpose they are meant to be used

abusing: using someone else’s prescription to get a high

misusing: using it in excessive amounts

What are some over the counter drugs abused by shift workers?

-sleeping pills



-cough medicine


What are 2 physiological effects of smoking?

-reduces oxygen levels to brains

-causes cancers

How is tobacco related to shift workers?

-they smoke to become more calm and relaxed

What cancers are caused by chewing tobacco?



What’s one thing all tobacco products contain?


Why is it so hard to break the habit of smoking?

– nicotine is an addictive product that makes it hard for smokers to quite

What is snuff?

-form of nicotine placed between cheek and gum


During high stress how does caffeine help shift workers?

helps them stay up and more concentrated

What are 2 negative affects of caffeine?

-causes irritability

-leads to insomnia
What are 2 positive affects of caffeine?

-helps you wake up

-helps you concentrate more

Why can caffeine be dangerous?

-you can have decrease level of fertility, depression, indigestion and dehydration

What are some strategies for shift workers to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

-eat properly and try to get as much sleep as possible so that they dont have to rely on coffee or anything else containing caffeine to stay awake

Why would shift workers abuse caffeine under stress?

-because they need to stay awake and alert they have a numerous amount of caffeine in their system

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